Society Act

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The name of the Society is Edmonton Flag Football Association.

1. Definitions:
a) The "Chairman" refers to the President of the League or his representative;
b) "Member" refers to the team representatives;
c) "Team" refers to any team that is in good standing with the League;
d) "League" refers to the Edmonton Flag Football Association;
e) The "Executive" shall men the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Division Representative for each division.

2. Purpose of By-Laws:
The purpose of the By-Laws is to provide for the administration of the conduct of the League, to provide a competitive sport that is reasonably injury free and to promote good sportsmanship.

3. General Administration:
A team must be in good standing to attend league meetings and to be eligible to vote at general and executive meetings. A team shall not be in good standing unless the following conditions are met:
a) All League dues and assessments are paid in full by the commencement of the season as established by the League from year to year
b) All players on a team are signed to play in accordance with League regulations as established before each football season.
This section shall not apply after the completion of the regular football season and playoffs.
Any member or team wishing to withdraw from the League may do so upon notice in writing to the League.
Any member or team upon a majority vote of all members of the Society in good standing may be expelled from the League for any cause which the society may deem reasonable.
Any person who plays on a flag football team in Edmonton can be a member.

4. League Executives:
a) The league executives shall be composed of the following voting officers;
i) President
ii) Vice president
iii) Secretary
iv) Treasurer
v) A division representative for each division
Any league executive upon a majority vote of all members in good standing, may be removed from the league for any cause which the society may deem reasonable.
b) The respective duties of each office shall be as follows;

i) to be responsible for chairing all regular, general and executive meetings of the league;
ii) to co-ordinate and be responsible for all league activities;
iii) to delegate duties to other members of the league in order to assist the president in the efficient administration of the league;

Vice President
i) to assist the president in his duties where required by the president;
ii) to act as a liaison between the teams and the league by keeping them informed of general league administrative decisions and particulars of the meeting;

i) to attend and record all minutes of regular and executive minutes of the league;
ii) to have charge and control of the seal of the society which seal whenever used shall be authenticated by the signature of the secretary and president;
iii) the secretary shall have charge of all the correspondence of the society and be under the direction of the president and the executive.

i) to keep and properly record all league financial income and expenditures and to provide financial statements to the league when required by the league president;
ii) to assist the president and secretary of the league in the administration of the league;
iii) to present a full detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the executive whenever requested and shall prepare for submission to the annual meeting, a statement duly audited as hereinafter set forth of the financial position of the society and submit a copy of the same to the secretary for the records of the society;
iv) auditing of the books, accounts and records of the treasurer shall be audited at least once a year by a duly qualified accountant or by at least two (2) members of the society elected for that purpose at the annual meeting. A complete and proper statement of the standings of the books for the previous year of the society shall be submitted by such auditor of by such members at the annual meeting of the society. The fiscal year of the society in each year shall by March 1;
v) inspection of books and records of the society may be completed by any member of the society at the annual meeting provided for herein or at any time upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the treasurer. Each member of the executive shall at all times have access to such books and records.

Division Representatives
i) to assist the president in his duties where required by the president;
ii) to act as a liaison between the teams and the league by keeping them informed of general league administrative decisions and particulars of the meeting;
iii) shall be responsible for the teams in their division including keeping statistics and standings.

5. Election of Executive:
a) The executive shall be elected by team representatives at a general league meeting held at least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the football season.
b) Each team which was a member in good standing during the immediately preceding football season shall be eligible to cast one vote.
c) Voting shall be done by a show of hands unless otherwise agreed upon by a majority of those in attendance at the general meeting.
d) Members of the Executive shall hold office for a period of one (1) year. In the event of a vacancy in any of the positions, the same shall be filled by an election held at a special league meeting and in the interim, the vacancy shall be filled by either the past president, past vice president, past secretary or past treasurer as the case may be.

6. Responsibilities of the Executive:
a) The executive shall be responsible to the league for all administrative functions including but not limited to;
i) Playing rules
ii) Game scheduling
iii) Financial Reporting
iv) Refereeing
v) Field Maintenance
vi) League Communications
vii) Equipment
viii) Social Functions
ix) Such further and other areas that may be determined by the league from time to time
b) The executive shall appoint, as required, members of various teams to serve on each of the aforementioned administrative areas and such members shall report to the executive with their recommendations as requested by the executive.
c) The executive may accept in whole those recommendations made by those members or proposed such changes as deemed in the best interest of the league. Any decisions made by the executive shall be final, but may be reviewed and altered or amended as hereafter provided.

7. Review of Executive Decisions:
Executive decisions may be reviewed, amended and/or altered by the league at any league meeting duly called upon a majority vote of those members in attendance.

8. League Meetings:
a) There shall be at least one (1) general league meeting held at least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the league season as well as hold an annual meeting on or before April 30 in each year. Annual and General league meetings may be called by the secretary upon the instructions of the president by notice in writing to the last know address of each member, delivered in the mail, or contact by telephone, eight (8) days prior to the date of such meeting. At the general league meeting, a new league executive shall be elected.
b) Other league meetings may be held and shall be called by the league executive upon written notice to members of each team mailed at least fifteen (15) days before the meeting or upon telephone notice to the team representative.
c) Special league meetings may be called by any league team in good standing upon providing other teams with at least five (5) days written notice together with written consent of at least one-half of the league teams being obtained by the team calling the said meeting.
d) No meeting shall be conducted without a quorum and a quorum shall be composed of at least one-third of the number of league teams that were members in good standing during the immediately preceding football season. For the purposes of this section, the number of teams forming a quorum shall be rounded off to the nearest whole number.
e) The following will be the order of business for all league meetings;
i) Minutes of previous meeting;
ii) Old business;
iii) New business;
iv) Adjournment.

9. Executive Decisions:
a) Those recommendations made by the executive in conjunction with those functions as enumerated in section 6 i), 6 ii), and 6 iv) herein shall be made in writing prior to the commencement of the league season.
b) Each team shall be provided with a copy of such playing rules and league regulations and upon receipt, each team shall be bound by the terms thereof.
c) Such playing rules and league regulations of the executive shall be in effect to the end of the league football season.
d) For the purposes of this section, each team in the league shall be deemed to have received a copy of the playing rules and league regulations upon the commencement of the first regular season league game.

10. Amendment of By-Laws:
At any duly called league meeting, by a three-quarters vote of those members in attendance, these By-Laws may be amended, altered or varied by a "Special Resolution"

11. Borrowing Powers:
For the purposes of carrying out its' objects, the society may borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such a manners as it thinks fit and in particular by the issue of debentures but this power shall be exercised only under the authority of the society and in no case shall debentures be issued without the sanction of the special resolution of the society.

12. Remuneration:
Unless authorized at any meeting and after notice of the same shall have been given, no officer of member of the association shall receive any remuneration for his services.

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