EFFA Logo Update Contest

Feb. 27, 2025

EFFA Logo Update Contest

This competition challenges Albertans to reimagine, modernized and/or update the current Edmonton Flag Football Association (EFFA) logo. The new logo may be used on the EFFA website, social media sites, business cards, letterhead, posters, souvenir trinkets and gifts, and/or anywhere else the EFFA chooses.
Below are the official requirements and rules of the competition. By entering, participants agree to be bound by these contest rules. Violating any rule or not following instructions may eliminate participants’ eligibility. The EFFA has the right to disqualify any entrant at any time at its sole discretion.


  1. The contest is open to Albertans only.
  2. Contestants are permitted to work in groups; however, only one (1) prize will be awarded regardless of group size.

Submission Guidelines and How to Enter

  1. The contest is open from 5:00 p.m. MST on February 27, 2025 and closes at 11:59 p.m. MST March 31, 2025. Late submissions will not be considered. The EFFA Executive will select the finalist(s). The EFFA Executive will decide if any of the logos aptly represent the league, and if so, a winner will be selected and notified by mid-April.
  2. All entries must be submitted electronically to the EFFA at marketing@effa.ab.ca. Submissions must include the full name(s) of the person(s) who designed the logo, email address, address, and telephone number.
  3. One or more submissions per person is acceptable. Each submission must be sent in a separate email.
  4. There is no fee to enter the contest.

Logo Design Guidelines and Parameters

This contest aims to redesign, reimagine, and/or update the logo for use by the EFFA. The logo’s design should reflect the values of EFFA, encouraging the highest standards of player conduct. The logo must include (but is not limited to) the following:

  1. The EFFA name (abbreviated or spelled out).
  2. The professionalism and inclusivity of the league.
  3. Colours, linework and/or imagery representative of the sport and the league.

Submission Requirements

  1. Entries must be submitted as a high-resolution JPEG file. For quality reproduction purposes, the winning entry must later be submitted in scalable vector graphic format (EPS).
  2. Color must be CMYK, though the logo may also be produced in black and white. Contestants are advised to avoid gradients and half-tones.
  3. The logo must be easy to use, handle, resize, and manipulate for all reproduction purposes. It should be visually appealing on both small (as small as 2 cm x 2 cm) and large scales.

Intellectual Property

  1. Entrants affirm their submissions are their own original work, have not been copied from others or from previous designs, including their own, and do not violate the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.
  2. Submissions become the sole property of the EFFA and may be used for any EFFA purposes, including, but not limited to, display on websites, business cards, letterhead, posters, and other materials.
  3. The EFFA shall have the right to adapt, edit, modify, or otherwise use the winning submission in part or in its entirety in whatever manner it deems appropriate.
  4. The EFFA reserves the right to choose not to use the winning entry as described in these contest guidelines.
  5. The EFFA reserves the right to use any other entry for promotional purposes in the future.
  6. If the winner is determined to have violated any rules, they will be required to forfeit or return the prize, even if the determination is made after the prize has been awarded.

Determination of Winner and Prize

  1. The winning entry will be selected by a panel comprised of board members of the EFFA. Their decision will be final and no further correspondence shall be entered into.
  2. Entries will be judged on their visual appeal, adherence to the concept prompting the contest, quality of design, and ease of reproduction for the purposes stated above.
  3. The prize for the winning entry is a $200 United Cycle gift card. This prize remains the same regardless of the size of the team submitting the winning entry.
  4. The winner will be notified via email and announced on the EFFA Website and social media.


  1. The EFFA is not responsible for lost, late, misdirected, incomplete, illegible, or otherwise unusable entries, including entries that are lost or unusable due to computer, internet, or electronic problems.
  2. The EFFA reserves the right to cancel or modify the Contest and award the prize by alternate means if fraud or technical failure is determined at any time by the EFFA, including after the submission window has closed.
  3. The EFFA is not liable, for the purpose of winner and prize notification and delivery, in the event the contest winner has provided incorrect, outdated, or otherwise invalid contact information.

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